Thursday, July 17, 2008

Question no. 5

As a future manager, What is your computer ethics program? Justify each activity.

As a future manager, it is important to establish a computer ethics program in order to keep the good reputation of the company and so that employees would know their responsibilities and limitations in using the computer.
The following is my computer ethics program:

1. All employees of the company should not use the computers to harm other people. For example, it is bad to steal and destroy other people’s books and notebooks, it is equally bad to access and destroy their files.
2. Anyone should not snoop around in other people's files: Reading other people’s e-mail messages is as bad as opening and reading their letters: This is invading their privacy. Obtaining other people’s non-public files should be judged the same way as breaking into their rooms and stealing their documents. Text documents on the Internet may be protected by encryption.
3. Anyone should not interfere with other people's computer work: Computer viruses are small programs that disrupt other people’s computer work by destroying their files, taking huge amounts of computer time or memory, or by simply displaying annoying messages. Generating and consciously spreading computer viruses is unethical.
4. Anyone is not allowed to use the name of the company in any transaction without the authorization of the company.

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